Thursday, June 24, 2010

Black and White

An Insider's Look
Taking a realistic and practical view to life seems like the toughest job on the planet. For the youth of today who think along the lines of "Everything will work out"and tend to really lay back and shirk away from all semblance of responsibility and accountability. One of my very good friends has always told me that life has its share of evrything, good or bad. The tendency to always percieve things in either black or white has left a lot of people feeling guilty or worthless, essentially low on self esteem, The key is to always remeber the imminent shades of gray in between the black or the white. For the black and the white is black or white because the society decided so. I personally feel that every person ought to take a deep look into his life when one begins to doubt his/her own motives. As long as a person decides to accept that life will have its share of black & white and gray it becomes easier for anyone to centre him/herself and to take a calculated decision.

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